
Thursday 7 April 2016

Acids and Bases SBA

Topic: Acid and Bases

Date: 5th April, 2016

Aim: to identify common household substance which are acids or bases

Background information/
Explain what is acid, how an acid can be identified, what are the properties of an acid, outline examples of acids found in the lab and nature. 

Explain what is a base, how an base can be identified, what are the properties of an base, outline examples of bases found in the lab and nature. 

Click to see resourceful information on Acids and Bases

Materials/ Apparatus: Litmus, petri dish, measuring cylinder, paper, vinegar, water, soft drinks, bleach and lemon juice.

Experiment Method:
1. Measure 2 ml of the liquid substance in the measuring tube.
2. Transfer the substance in the petri dish
3. Place the red litmus paper in the substance, then observe and record your findings.
4. Repeat step three (3) using the blue litmus paper.
5. Repeat steps one through four (4) for the other substances.
6. Draw and label the observations.
7. You may take pictures of the results.


Analysis and Evaluation: 

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