
Monday 9 May 2016

The Ear, nose and tongue Quiz Question Grade 9

1. What are the three parts of the ear? A Drum cymbol and gitar B Middle ear, inner ear, outer ear C Inner ear , ear drum, middle ear D None of the above

2. What is the function of the inner ear? A Transmit vibrations to the brain B Collect sound waves C Transforms sound waves into vibrations D none of the above 

3. What is the purpose of the ear? A Decoration for the face B Give something the ability to hear C To cause illness 

4. Deafness is always permanent A True B False 

5. The nose is mainly for breathing and detecting odours A True B False 

6. Only the hairs in the nostrils filter out dust and dirt from entering the body A True B False 

7. Chemicals dissolve in the moist lining of the nasal passages A True B False 

8. The upper surface of the tongue is smooth to touch as result of the taste buds (papillae) A True B False

9. The tongue taste solutions that are sweet, salty, bitter or sour A True Page 1 of 4 B False 

10. The Flavour of food comes from both smell and taste. A True B False 

11. Your sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive that your sense of taste A True B False 

12. How many smells can you detect A 10 B 100 C 1000 D 10,000 E over 10,000 13. snot can be nasty, but mucus is essential for our sense of smell A True B False 

14. The ____ is defined as the number of cycles of a periodic wave occurring per unit time. A wavelength B period C amplitude D frequency 

15. The SI unit for frequency is hertz. A True B False 

16. Which one of the following factors determines the pitch of a sound? A The amplitude of the sound wave B The distance of the sound wave from the source C The frequency of the sound wave D The phase of different parts of the sound wave E The speed of the sound wave 

17. A certain note is produced when a person blows air into an organ pipe. The manner in which one blows on a organ pipe (or any pipe) will effect the characteristics of the sound which is produced. If the person blows slightly harder, the most probable change will be that the sound wave will increase in ____. A amplitude B frequency C pitch D speed Page 2 of 4 E wavelength 

18. A girl moves away from a source of sound at a constant speed. Compared to the frequency of the sound wave produced by the source, the frequency of the sound wave heard by the girl is ____. A lower. B higher. C the same 

19. What are the bumps on the top of your tongue called? A Papillae B Microvilli C Frenulum D Goosebumps 

20. Papillae contain: A Saliva glands B Lingual tonsil C Taste buds D Lymph nodes 

21. What substance in the mouth helps break down food? A Oil B Keratin C Saliva D Acid 

22. Could you swallow your tongue? A Yes B No 

23. Your tongue and your ______ help you taste food. A Teeth B Lips C Frenulum D Nose 

24. Your nose helps you: A Smell, sneeze, and hear B Smell, see, and feel C Smell, taste, and breathe D Smell, smile, and smooch 

25. What are the two holes on your nose called? A Septum B Nostrils C Blow holes Page 3 of 4 D Cartilage 

26. These are sensitive to odor molecules and help your brain recognize smells: A Receptors B Nostrils C Nasal passages D Nose hair 

27. This icky stuff, also known as boogers, helps capture dust, germs, and small particles. Its medical name is: A Wax B Saliva C Mucus D Slime 

28. If a large particle, like pollen, gets trapped in your nose and tickles it, what happens?  A You might cough B You might sneeze C Your nose might stop breathing D You might bur 

29. The nose and tongue work together to help you taste. A True B False 

30. There are at least ______ million receptors in your nose! A 40 B 30 C 20 D 1 

Monday 2 May 2016

metals and nonmetals on the periodic table

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, and are malleable (they can be hammered into sheets) and ductile (they can be drawn into wire).  Most of the metals are solids at room temperature, with a characteristic silvery shine (except for mercury, which is a liquid).  

Nonmetals are (usually) poor conductors of heat and electricity, and are not malleable or ductile; many of the elemental nonmetals are gases at room temperature, while others are liquids and others are solids.  

The metalloids are intermediate in their properties.  In their physical properties, they are more like the nonmetals, but under certain circumstances, several of them can be made to conduct electricity.  These semiconductors are extremely important in computers and other electronic devices.
read more here:

The Periodic Table

Regions of the Periodic Table

Lab video: Metals/nonmetals

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Grade 7 Spanish 18-22 April, 2016

Topic: Conjugation of Regular ER and IR verbs in the present tense.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to: 

lConjugate regular –ER/IR verbs 

lIdentify a verb in English and in Spanish

lKnow the placement of each subject pronoun on the verb chart

llearn subject pronouns in Spanish

lbecome familiar with a number of ER/IR verbs that are used daily

l use present tense verbs in a sentence successfully.

Conjugation Steps

Although the Er and IR verbs conjugations are similar please pay close attention to the nosotros conjugation ER- emos whereas IR -imos


Permitir-  to permit, allow

yo   permito 
él permite 
nosotros permitimos 
vosotros permitís 
ellos permiten 
Comprender- to comprehend

él comprende 
nosotros comprendemos 
vosotros comprendéis 
ellos comprenden 

Day one: Choose 10 different ER Verbs, conjugate them in the present tense and write ten different sentences. Please try to use a different subject pronoun for each sentence. 

Day two: repeat day one's activity, but this time use IR verbs.

If you have any questions please post them in the comment box below.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Grade 9 science 18-22 April

Use the internet to to help you identify metal and non on the periodic table.

Make a list of the Metal on the periodic table and their properties

Make a list of Alloys  and their propereties

Grade 8 Spanish (18-22 April, 2016 (Preterite tense))

Topic: Preterit Tense ( Simple Past Tense)


 At the end of the lesson students will be able to: 
  •      Conjugate regular –ER & IR  verbs in the preterit tense
  •   Students will be able to use past tense verbs in a sentence successfully.
  •       Know the placement of each subject pronoun on the verb chart.


Drop the “er” at the end of the word and add the following according to the subject pronoun: Look at the chart below for guidance. 

Verb Conjugation in the preterite tense

Esperar- To hope

él esperó 
nosotros esperamos 
vosotros esperasteis 
ellos esperaron 
 Day one: 
Click on here or go to choose 10 different ER/ IR verbs and write 10 simple sentences in both Spanish and English. Use a different subject pronoun with each verb. 
Eg. 1. Yo Debi- I owed (Deber- To Owe)
       2. Ellos comieron - They ate ( comer - to       eat)

Day 2. Since ER and Ir verb conjugations are the same, students will Repeat day one's activity by conjugating regular IR verbs in the preterit tense. 

If you have any questions please post it in the comments below. 

Thursday 7 April 2016

Past Participle Grade 9

Click to view information: Past Participle Spanish

Preterit tense Ar regular Verbs Grade 8

Preterit tense Ar regular Verbs
4th - 15th April, 2016

 At the end of the lesson students will be able to: 
  •      Conjugate regular –AR verbs in the preterit tense
  •   Students will be able to use past tense verbs in a sentence successfully.
  •       Know the placement of each subject pronoun on the verb chart.

Drop the “ar” at the end of the word: 
 - Yo à -e`
- Tú à -aste
- Él, ella, Ud. à -`o
- Nosotros à -amos
-Ellos, ellas, Uds. à -aron

Uses of the preterit tense 

AR Verb Conjugation ( grade 7)

AR Verb Conjugation 
 5 April- 15th April , 2016


At the end of the lesson students will be able to: 
lConjugate regular –AR verbs 
lIdentify a verb in English and in Spanish
lKnow the placement of each subject pronoun on the verb chart
llearn subject pronouns in Spanish
lbecome familiar with a number of AR verbs that are used daily
l use present tense verbs in a sentence successfully.

How to conjugate the Verb.

Look at the table below carefully; we must drop the AR ending of each verb and add the appropriate new ending according to the subject pronoun. 

Lets look at the verb Caminar which mean to walk

 I walk to School -  yo camino a la escuela. 
You walk to School- tu caminas a la escuela
He walks to School- El camina a la escuela
We walk to school- Nosotros caminamos a la escuela
They (males) walk to school- Ellos caminan a la escuela

Note: El, Ella & Usted  have the same ending "a" 
          Ustedes, Eloos & Ellas have the same ending "an" 

Click here to view  Top 100 Regular Spanish Verbs

Videos explaining the conjugation of Regular "AR" present verbs in Spanish

Acids and Bases SBA

Topic: Acid and Bases

Date: 5th April, 2016

Aim: to identify common household substance which are acids or bases

Background information/
Explain what is acid, how an acid can be identified, what are the properties of an acid, outline examples of acids found in the lab and nature. 

Explain what is a base, how an base can be identified, what are the properties of an base, outline examples of bases found in the lab and nature. 

Click to see resourceful information on Acids and Bases

Materials/ Apparatus: Litmus, petri dish, measuring cylinder, paper, vinegar, water, soft drinks, bleach and lemon juice.

Experiment Method:
1. Measure 2 ml of the liquid substance in the measuring tube.
2. Transfer the substance in the petri dish
3. Place the red litmus paper in the substance, then observe and record your findings.
4. Repeat step three (3) using the blue litmus paper.
5. Repeat steps one through four (4) for the other substances.
6. Draw and label the observations.
7. You may take pictures of the results.


Analysis and Evaluation: